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May 17, 20215 min read
Mist-er Monster
Mom has been working a lot lately. All that means is that she sits staring at, talking to and tickling her laptop all day, and when she...

Mar 9, 202111 min read
We’ve been laying low ever since Mom broke a few weeks ago. “Laying low” is what you call it when you hide in your Stuck House and watch...

Feb 11, 20219 min read
Hashtag Throwback Thursday
Here are some posts that I shared with my Friends in the running group… Happy new year! To all my old Friends, yay! I’m so excited to see...

Oct 25, 20205 min read
Build a tunnel and get over it
Not all adventures pop outways. Some expeditions suck into themselves, and the episodes are made of details rather than landscapes. This...

May 27, 20202 min read
My own private outside
Hi, Friends! How have you been? I’ve missed you. Mom hasn’t let me write because she said that lately playing outside is something that...

Feb 5, 202026 min read
Hashtag Throwback Thursday
Oscar the Spectator Jan 3, 2020 This morning I did my regular before-work run on My Trail. My Trail runs for 4 miles along the ocean, up...

May 12, 20193 min read
My New Trail
I have been on Family Medical Leave from my mayor duties on My Trail for a very long time, but now that Mom can run for a minute or two...

May 3, 20196 min read
You all must have missed me so much! I know I haven’t written in awhile, but it’s not because there was nothing to say. I’ve had plenty...

Apr 6, 20192 min read
Other places spread their rain out through the whole year, but California binges its rain into a few months called...

Mar 14, 20192 min read
Outside, revisited
It has rained nonstop since Mom got a bum sewn into her knee. Or, I think it’s rained nonstop anyway. It’s not like we’ve been out much...
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