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Apr 9, 20201 min read
Salt Lake City
Mom had picked today’s trail in Salt Lake Oh-My-God-No-Not-A-City!-Crap!-We’re-All-Gonna-Die!* months ago, long before the world was...

Mar 15, 20201 min read
Drying out
A wilder-ness storm messes up a whole lot more than city storms do. They make dirt roads hard for humble Covered Wagons to drive on. They...

Mar 12, 20201 min read
Mud running
Mom and I were happy to be back on the back roads in the back country of the back of beyond. That’s a place in Nevada, if you didn’t...

Jan 26, 20201 min read
The Pounding Fathers
Mom is “saving up” for a big adventure, so we’ve been exploring close to home on the weekends. This morning we went to a place called Mt....

Apr 6, 20192 min read
Other places spread their rain out through the whole year, but California binges its rain into a few months called...

May 12, 20183 min read
Wowie zowie and deer-cows
It sure does rain a lot in Washington. At home, if the weather report says that there’s a 70% probability that it’s going to rain, then...
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